A one-man multimedia
play with the music and artworks of Woody Guthrie
Written and performed by Randy Noojin
Hop a box car through the Dustbowl with Woody Guthrie and commune with the spirit, stories and songs of America's iconic folksinger, saint-of-the-workingman and poet-of-the-people in this critically acclaimed, award-winning multimedia solo show packed with Woody's spirit, music and artworks. For UPCOMING SHOWS please click on the NEWS page above.
For the new multimedia solo show, SEEGER, please go to: SeegerShow.com)

Bring Woody to your theater, library, union hall, soup kitchen, or living room!
A great American show for Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Bastille Day (Woody's birthday), May Day, or 4th of July

DURATION: The show runs 80 minutes (60 minute version available)
PROJECTIONS: An astonishing projection design (by Caite Kemp) of Woody's drawings, Dustbowl photos and labor history video runs off a Keynote program on my laptop. I can provide a projector and screen and I can run the cues myself, using a foot pedal, if necessary; or, I prefer to plug into your projector/screen system and your board op can run the simple cues.
SOUND: I bring one condenser microphone (Sterling ST-55) with a stand and I can bring my own small amp, or plug into your sound system.
LIGHTS: You provide one bright light on Woody.
SCENERY: I bring two standing flags (OK and US) on 8' poles.
PROMOTION: I can email you programs, flyers and posters to print, tailored to our venue, date, time and ticket info.
FEE: Negotiable fee, depending on travel and lodging necessities, discount for multiple performances.