A one-man multimedia
play with the music and artworks of Woody Guthrie
Written and performed by Randy Noojin
Hop a box car through the Dustbowl with Woody Guthrie and commune with the spirit, stories and songs of America's iconic folksinger, saint-of-the-workingman and poet-of-the-people in this critically acclaimed, award-winning multimedia solo show packed with Woody's spirit, music and artworks. For UPCOMING SHOWS please click on the NEWS page above.
For the new multimedia solo show, SEEGER, please go to: SeegerShow.com)

Winner of Best of Fest at Maui Fringe and the Alderman Award at Chicago Fringe.
"By equating the conditions of Depression-era America with those of today, writer-performer Randy Noojin invests Hard Travelin' with Woody with topicality and urgency, rescuing it from mere homage and transforming it into a call for united action against greed and selfishness . . . blows the dust off Guthrie's standards . . . restoring their sting and deepening their soulfulness." - BACKSTAGE.COM
"A constant delight! This is a great show for Guthrie fans and for those hearing these songs and stories for the first time." - NYTHEATRE.COM
"Noojin captures the spirit of Woody, getting even an uptight New York crowd singing along . . . This is solid, entertaining work that should travel far and wide in these hard times, just like Guthrie himself." - THE HUFFINGTON POST
"What distinquishes Noojin's illuminating portait of Woody from all the others I've seen is that he has resolutely let Woody speak (and sing) for himself; this is Woody unfiltered in his own words, but assembled by a master craftsman." - FOLKWORKS
"Randy Noojin's Woody Guthrie is a revelation. He captures the spirit of the man like no others have done onstage. His Guthrie is not just some folksy cardboard caricature; we've seen enough of those. Noojin's Guthrie is ornery, pugnacious, sly, and driven by the twin forces of anger and love." - Will Kaufman, author of WOODY GUTHRIE, AMERICAN RADICAL
"Impressive, offers a vivid portrait of Woody's ideas and music." - Bob Sherman, Host of WOODY'S CHILDREN, WFUV-FM
NEW CD available!
with Elena Skye on mandolin and Boo Reiners on banjo
$15 (includes shipping), click button at right: